So yeah...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008 @ 3:56 AM
For a long time I have wondered about the female orgasm. I was about 24 when I had my first...yeah I know what you are saying.."wow, you were that old?" Yeah and it was a vibrator that did it. I had no idea what the wave was that came over me and it was like "Oh. My. God." I couldn't describe the feeling. I was doing some research about it because I was so frustrated because it was taking me so long to "get there" and why it doesn't take some guys very long at all.
I was going back and forth about posting a blog like this and thought "well, hey, its my blog and what I'm feeling so what the hey"...but I'm not making you read this either. You may be a fellow entrecard member who is dropping a card or a random blogger who is checking out my blog, whatever.
This is the description of the female orgasm:

I do love the sensation that an orgasm gives, its a sugar high that can be addicting. Sometimes I wish it would take 3 minutes to actually achieve one for females but as we all know, us women have to do it right or it doesn't get done at all. I think one of my problems is is that I need full concentration to be able to achieve that arousal point. If I get distracted by whatever I can't get there at all.
I'm still learning and reading up on tips and tricks and of course *ahem* porn...ok, this girl likes porn so deal!