Welcome to my world! I am an army wife, mom, friend, and neurotic all packed into me or hate me but I can guarantee you that I'm pretty fun to be around! Join me as I talk about my journeys through life(and many states)!
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Not sure what this title should say
Friday, May 16, 2008 @ 12:33 AM

Although this picture pretty much tells about my life when I lived in Ft. Campbell.....

Today I got a lovely blog comment from myspace stating that it was a shitty thing for me to copy and paste her post and put it on here without giving her credit. What I did was copy and paste something that I didn't realize that she wrote about Military spouse appreciation day. She turned it around and asked me if I thought she wasn't good enough to write something like that, that wasn't like that at all I just didn't think about giving her credit and not because she wasn't good as a writer, she is, I just didn't think at the time. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has made mistakes such as this and was forgiven. I'm sure if her bestie made a similar mistake she would forgive and forget and all would be well in the world.

I don't know about you all but I'm a pretty forgiveable person. If someone mistakenly forgot to credit something they took off my blog I would let them know and ask them to please link love me and go on with my life not make it a huge, blown out of proportion, kinda deal.

I realize that it was just myspace but c'mon, this was an unintentional mistake, something that I never thought a friend of mine would be so upset about.

So to everyone, I'm sorry that I copied and the next time I see something that I really like and want to use on my blog I will remember the immature fight and remember to ask and make sure I credit you! :)

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Credits: Layout; Icons; Color codes
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